Source code for ask_youtube_playlists.data_processing.download_transcripts

"""Code to download the transcripts from YouTube."""
import pathlib
import json
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Tuple

import streamlit as st

import pytube
from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi

def _get_playlist_info(url: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Gets the video IDs and titles from a YouTube playlist.

        url (str): The URL of the YouTube playlist.
        Dict[str, str]: A dictionary with the video titles as keys and the
            video IDs as values.
    playlist = pytube.Playlist(url)

    # Dict to hold title-ID pairs
    video_dict = {}

    for video in playlist.videos:
        video_dict[video.title] = video.video_id

    return video_dict

[docs]def download_transcript(video_title: str, video_id: str, output_path: pathlib.Path, verbose: bool = True) -> None: """Downloads the transcript of a YouTube video. Args: video_title (str): The title of the YouTube video. video_id (str): The ID of the YouTube video. output_path (pathlib.Path): The path to the output file. verbose (bool): Whether to print the progress of the download. Raises: Exception: If the transcript cannot be downloaded. """ try: # Download transcript with youtube_transcript_api transcript = YouTubeTranscriptApi.get_transcript( video_id, languages=['en', 'en-US']) # Save transcript to a JSON file with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: # Put the title and the video ID at the top of the JSON file and # then dump the transcript json.dump({ 'title': video_title, 'video_id': video_id, 'transcript': transcript, }, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) except Exception as error_msg: if verbose: st.warning(f'Could not download transcript for video ' f'{video_title}.\nError message:\n{error_msg}')
[docs]def download_playlist(url: str, data_path: pathlib.Path, use_st_progress_bar: bool = False) -> None: """Downloads the transcripts of a YouTube playlist. Args: url (str): The URL of the YouTube playlist. data_path (pathlib.Path): The path to the data directory. use_st_progress_bar (bool): Whether to use a Streamlit progress bar. """ video_id_dict = _get_playlist_info(url) total_videos = len(video_id_dict) progress_bar = None if use_st_progress_bar: progress_bar = st.progress(0) for i, (video_title, video_id) in enumerate(video_id_dict.items()): if progress_bar is not None: progress_bar.progress((i + 1) / total_videos, f'Downloading video {i + 1} of ' f'{total_videos}') output_file = data_path / f'Video_{str(i + 1)}.json' download_transcript(video_title, video_id, output_file, verbose=use_st_progress_bar)
def _replace_newlines(json_file: dict) -> None: """Replaces \n with a space Args: json_file (dict): The JSON file. """ for segment in json_file['transcript']: segment['text'] = segment['text'].replace('\n', ' ') def _get_chunk_indices(segment_lengths: List[int], max_chunk_size: int, min_overlap_size: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """Gets the indices of the chunks. Args: segment_lengths (List[int]): The lengths of the segments. max_chunk_size (int): The maximum size of a chunk. min_overlap_size (int): The minimum size of the overlap between two chunks. Returns: List[Tuple[int, int]]: A list of tuples with the beginning and ending indices of the chunks. """ # Split the transcript into chunks chunks_indices = [] current_beginning_index = 0 current_ending_index = 0 current_chunk_size = 0 for current_index, segment_length in enumerate(segment_lengths): if current_chunk_size + segment_length + 1 < max_chunk_size: current_chunk_size += segment_length + 1 current_ending_index = current_index continue chunks_indices.append( (current_beginning_index, current_ending_index)) # Calculate the overlap # current_chunk_size += segment_lengths[current_beginning_index] + 1 segment_len = segment_lengths[current_beginning_index] + 1 while current_chunk_size - segment_len > min_overlap_size: current_chunk_size -= segment_len current_beginning_index += 1 segment_len = segment_lengths[current_beginning_index] + 1 current_chunk_size += segment_length + 1 current_ending_index = current_index # current_chunk_size += 1 chunks_indices.append((current_beginning_index, len(segment_lengths) - 1)) return chunks_indices
[docs]def create_chunked_data(file_path: pathlib.Path, max_chunk_size: int, min_overlap_size: int ) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]]: """Creates chunked data from a JSON file. Args: file_path (str): The path to the JSON file. max_chunk_size (int): The maximum size of a chunk. min_overlap_size (int): The minimum size of the overlap between two chunks. Returns: List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]]: A dictionary with the chunked data. """ with open(file_path, 'r') as file: json_file = json.load(file) # Replace \n with a space _replace_newlines(json_file) segment_lengths = [len(json_file['transcript'][segment]['text']) for segment in range(len(json_file['transcript']))] # Split the transcript into chunks chunks_indices = _get_chunk_indices(segment_lengths, max_chunk_size, min_overlap_size) # Now that we have the chunk indices, we can create the chunks # chunks = [{ # 'text': ' '.join( # [segment['text'] for segment in # json_file['transcript'][chunk_index[0]:chunk_index[1] + 1]]), # 'start': json_file['transcript'][chunk_index[0]]['start'], # 'duration': sum( # segment['duration'] for segment in # json_file['transcript'][chunk_index[0]:chunk_index[1] + 1]), # 'url': json_file['url'], # 'title': json_file['title']} # for chunk_index in chunks_indices] base_url = '' video = pytube.YouTube(base_url + json_file['video_id']) thumbnail_url = video.thumbnail_url chunks = [] for i, chunk_index in enumerate(chunks_indices): text_list = [] duration_sum = 0 start, end = chunk_index for segment in json_file['transcript'][start:end + 1]: text_list.append(segment['text']) duration_sum += segment['duration'] timestamp = str(int(json_file['transcript'][chunk_index[0]]['start'])) chunks.append({ 'text': ' '.join(text_list), 'start': json_file['transcript'][chunk_index[0]]['start'], 'duration': duration_sum, 'url': base_url + json_file['video_id'] + f'&t={timestamp}s', 'title': json_file['title'], 'thumbnail': thumbnail_url, 'index': i }) return chunks